Friday, December 2, 2011

I'm dreaming of a White Christmas...

I always like to have a theme going.  This year, at the store it is, All is Calm.  All is Bright. I am also excited about an upcoming ski trip to Colorado.  We will be heading to Crested Butte in early February, which will be here, before we know it. Have you ever been to Crested Butte ( CB to the locals)? It is an amazing little town, with healthy, active people and with a plethora of yummy restaurants.   It is also where I met my husband and where we still have nice friends.  It is a special place; I highly recommend it.
As I type this, I am drinking my favorite coffee, in  ALL the  world, that we have shipped to us every 5 weeks from CB.  I have blogged about it before, but worth a link again.  Charming and breakfast burritos to die for.  Anyway,  here is a product from Finland that we are selling at the store, and that will be in the bottom of my boy's stockings this year...
Currently, it is also by my desk and I am constantly squeezing it.   It is like a "stress" ball, but filled with positive energy.  It sounds like the crunch of snow.  It is amazing!  Each one is handmade and unique, but again, it sounds like crunching SNOW.  I love it.
These stuffed animals are so cool and realistic...I could easily revert back to my childhood, and  take them all home.  In particular, this Snow Leopard  really speaks to me.  You should see his eyes, ICE BLUE. Many years ago, now, Tallahassee Junior Museum had visiting Snow Leopards.  I could have watched them for days.  What an amazing feline.  We have a great selection of animals ranging from falcons to kiwi birds.  Come see!

A darling book!  Have you seen our darling children's wrapping paper?  Yes, it involves snow, and critters, and children!

Yes, the little crab lives in the penguin, and can come out to play... and yes, we have other others...
bear in a cave, owl in a tree, fabulous tee-pee, and arrows!  LOVE! LOVE!

I can't remember where I "dragged" this image from, but it speaks to me!  All is Calm, All is Bright!
Remember, we ship all the time and I will be glad to assist you...  Warm Winter Wishes, Nan

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